Incident Management Technology
Public Safety response is among the last industries to acquire and deploy technology solutions to improve their effectiveness and operations. We have developed a software platform that will transform the speed, effectiveness, and safety of emergency response. Facilitating data delivery during the chaos of emergency response is challenging. Responders need specific data points at specific intervals during incident response, and as responders ourselves we understand have deployed a solution that optimizes situational and response awareness without information overload on the responders. PAMS is a SaaS solution designed to fit into the existing workflow of an emergency response. PAMS was built to work effectively on the equipment that is in many cases already deployed and installed in the Fire/EMS vehicles. The mobile app is available for iOS and Android and is used by the first responders, and our web app is browser-based and can run on a browser window on tablets, MDC?s, laptops. PAMS is not only the most effective solution, but is also the easiest and most reliable. Our software and workflow help the first responder community respond to emergencies with better information, enabling them to optimize resource usage and responder safety. We have only scratched the surface with our current solution and are currently in production to develop and release aditional solutions that will continue to help our customers further improve their response operations and save more lives and property.